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An Introduction
Waymaker GIS technology has been used in countries around the world. United States, Brazil, Guyana, India, Iraq, Sweden, Tanzania,
and many more coming soon.
What Clients Say
Our Non-Profit Program seeks first world churches and believers to sponsor Waymaker GIS tech to third world missionaries. Want to join our team of Churches and believers sponsoring tech for Third World Missionaries?
Journey Church of Orange Park, FL, is our first church in the program. They are now sponsoring a missionary in India who is housing children, training pastors, and feeding thousands.
$2,500 (plus subscription fee) sponsors a missionary in a Third World Country. You can make the difference!
Thank you Journey Church for leading the way!
Tech Sponsorship Program
Waymaker GIS has innovative suites of Tech to help your business or non-profit grow within your own unique mission field.
Our Tech Suites
Missions Suite

Waymaker Missions Suite
The Waymaker Missions Suite is a fully off grid capable system used to provide business or non-profit reports to supporters or your team LIVE from the mission field.
It consists of two components that work anywhere in the world.
Our Tactical Data Center - a fully live interactive dashboard of the reports you collect in real time. This is a fully secure internal resource for businesses, non-profits, or missionaries to have their entire history in an interactive mapping environment. Include pictures, videos, or documents into each report (without cell service) and then upload it from the field into the secure cloud. We also have turn by turn directions anywhere in the world (without cell service) as an add on to this suite.
Interactive Partner Experience - a live view into the reports you collect in real time for sharing with your clients or supporters. For our missionaries in countries hostile to the gospel this system is secured and available only to the people you wish. Test Drive missionary Kara Layton's Interactive Partner Experience.
​The data collected allows for more strategic, profitable, and safe planning and execution.
Community Suite
Waymaker Community Suite

The Waymaker Community Suite is a tool used to understand every community block by block and street by street creating more effective business and non-profit customer outreach, mission driven evangelism, and more strategic business and church planting.
Paul preached to the Athenians in the context of their own culture and saw a great many saved. The way to reach people with your business or non-profit is to better is to understand who they are first, and create a strategic customer outreach plan based on that knowledge.
Every outreach does not work everywhere.
We can help you tailor fit customer outreaches to any community in the US based on almost 70 different profiles and demographic datasets.
Customer/Non-profit/Church membership data can be added to this environment to create a space that reveals patterns and mission field health incites.
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